4. Uluslararası Bilimsel Gelişmeler Kongresi
25-28 Aralık / December 2024
The presentation can be made in Turkish or English.
Each paper is given a maximum of 12 minutes, including 10 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for questions and answers. No additional time will be given.
Each participant must be in the Zoom system at least 10 minutes before their session and prepare their presentations.
Presentations should include information expressing the essence of the study, rather than general expressions known by everyone.
Your presentation should contain no more than 15 slides.
The author can use the presentation format he/her wants.
The author is responsible for the proper operation of the software and hardware (Camera, microphone, presentation file etc.) for the Zoom system.
The author's name must be entered as a user name to enter the zoom system.
The session program and link will be shared when planning is finished.